
The Best Protection possible from inhaling Pathogens, Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Spores.

Your Life, Your Future, Your way!

For around $1 per day or less

Made in The USA

BULK Pre-Orders Negotiating NOW!

Are YOU Prepared for the next Virus?

Introducing LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM

Your Ultimate Defense Against Viral Threats!

Tired of the endless cycle of masks, vaccines, and shots? We understand your frustration and present a groundbreaking solution that is sensible, hassle-free, and remarkably effective.

Say goodbye to masks, vaccines, and shots with LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM – the proactive system that creates an impenetrable shield around you, safeguarding you from the relentless assault of viruses. The “triple whammy” of Covid, Influenza, and RSV doesn’t stand a chance against the 24/7/30 and best possible protection provided for you by your LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM.

20% smaller than a credit card. 2 inches wide, 3 inches tall, and 1/4 inch thick, the unit tiny is extremely small, yet very powerful. Available as, 1-day to 5-day unit, 30-day unit, 90-day unit. You choose, your life, your way. Easy to activate, fast to deploy, reliable, effective, robust and less than the cost of a covid test kit. Prevention is far better than curing. Be proactive, be prepared, be safe.




Registered with the US FDA, COFEPRIS in Mexico, and ECHA in Europe, LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM is your personal guardian against viral threats. This ingeniously simple device emits a protective “dome” of microscopic particles, extending up to 3 to 4 feet around you when worn as instructed. It’s the ultimate assurance of safety, lasting a full 30 days and nights, creating an environment of unwavering protection.

No masks. No vaccines. No shots. Just hang LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM around your neck, and let it do the rest. By effectively neutralizing virus-laden particles, it safeguards against potential contamination. While hand hygiene remains crucial, the SHIELD offers an additional layer of defense, reducing the risk of transmission through face contact.

Molecule Approved By:

In professional settings teeming with coworkers, shoppers, or students, LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM shines as the ultimate safeguard. By using the SHIELD, you’re contributing to fewer infections, mitigating outbreaks, and maintaining a healthier environment. Productivity soars, stress lessens, and the days off due to illness become a thing of the past. With LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM, you can lead a life free from the constraints of masks, vaccines, and shots, all while enjoying unparalleled protection against infections and hospitalization.

Discover simplicity, embrace ease, and revel in unmatched effectiveness – it’s time to invest in your protection with LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM. Don’t wait; secure your shield today and experience a new level of defense against viral threats. Your safety, our priority.

LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM: The NEW ERA Air Disinfectant – Brand NEW World Innovation Product

Designed for everyday use, the LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM provides an extra layer of defense against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and spores, offering up to 30 days of invisible air disinfection around you.

For Illustrative Purposes ONLY (Front)
For Illustrative Purposes ONLY (Landscape Front)


In closed and crowded spaces such as hospitals, schools, public transport, and homes, LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM provides additional sanitization for office staff, the elderly, children, and the public in general.

Surrounded by bacteria and airborne pathogens in daily life, LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM is your path to peace of mind and a better quality of life.

The patented pearls, utilizing advanced technology, continually generate Chlorine dioxide (Clo2) within LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM. Supported by independent scientific studies and official approvals, your LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM is a reliable defense.

How does it work?

The LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM, featuring patented pearls, is an advanced device providing up to 30 days and nights of active air purification, disinfecting your personal breathing space. Spread an atmospheric shield of low-concentration solid CLo2, one of the best agents against microbial life.

Effective Against Corona Virus.

Clinically tested for efficacy against Corona Variants, LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM reacts with pathogen cell walls, effectively killing active and inactive pathogens without building resistance.

Safe To Use?

LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM is safe for everyday use, registered with authorities like ECHA(EU), COFEPRIS(MX), and FDA(USA) as a class 1 Medical Device. Suitable for closed spaces, hospitals, public transport, cafes, offices, schools, and homes.


LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM is available for B2B, B2C, G2B, G2C sale.

Coming to all good stores and Employers near you

LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM: Product Summary

LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM is a wearable air sanitizer.

Wear around the neck or clip to clothing near the face.

Suitable for all life situations, including elderly and children.

Releases Chlorine dioxide, creating an atmospheric shield for up to 30 days and nights.

Tested safe and effective against common pathogens, including Corona Virus Variants.

Registered in Western Europe, USA, Mexico, and Africa, with more countries to follow.

LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM kills pathogens including:

Aspergillus, Adenovirus, B.Pertussis, C.Pneumoniae, CoV_NL63, CoV_OC43, L.Pneumophila, M.Pneumoniae, mecA, Rhinovirus, A.Agalactiae, S.Aureus, S.Pneumoniae, Covid-19, Psedomonia, E.Coli, Candida, and more.

Shelf Life

Sealed product: One-year shelf life. After opening, LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM works continuously for 30 days and nights. Made from recyclable materials.

Sealed product: One-year shelf life. After opening, LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM works continuously for 30 days and nights. Made from recyclable materials.

1 badge, 30 days and 30 nights protection, over 720 hours of protection, safe, easy to use, fast to deploy, no masks required, no vaccines required, no shots required, no batteries required, recyclable, pet friendly, kid friendly, elderly friendly,

Options with every LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM Pack

1.         ID badge with branded lanyard

            2.         ID badge with clip

            3.         ID badge with self-adhesive

            4.         ID badge with self-adhesive magnet

            5.         ID badge with key ring

            6.         ID badge with safety pin back

            7.         ID badge with safety neck chain

            8.         Single pack, twin pack, triple pack, six pack, baker’s dozen pack.

            9.         Auto ship renew option

Uses:    Perfect for; stadiums, arenas, trains, planes, taxis, restaurants, libraries, hospitals, schools, colleges, universities, offices, doctors-dentists-chiropractic-medical surgeries, shops, malls, theatres, cinemas, museums, airports, cruise ships, cars, buses, crash helmets, inside fridges, pharmacies, clinics, barracks, headquarters buildings, command-control-nerve centers, naval ships, inside shipping containers, kids ball pits, headboards, near fans, on entry way doors, elevators, escalators, stairways, lobbies, on screen filters, on baseball caps, police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, gyms, gun ranges, locker rooms, briefing rooms, conference rooms, waiting rooms, check ins, security lines, check points, customs areas, prisons, mini buses, coaches, attached to business cards, animals pens, chicken sheds, factories, production lines, rest rooms.

How and Where to Buy?

1. These Great retailers are now stocking The Unique, Newly Patented LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM. (List of Authorized Retailers Coming Soon!).

2. Our Online Store Direct (Includes Direct FREE shipping).

Our store offers Innovative, pleasing design from our stock.

(Coming Soon! Will Ship in 24hrs. FREE Shipping).

3. Pick-a-Pic: Simple, easy to choose, pick any image from these pages and orders from these pages will be shipped for FREE and within 48 hours.

(Check it out, More images available almost everyday! Will Ship in 48hrs. FREE Shipping).

4. Through our store you can upload your own design for your own custom LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM, (Subject to licensing copyrights of course) Your own photos or own artwork can be used as a print of the front.

5. You can order your own Company logo direct from our online shop, on the front of your LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM.

(Coming Soon! Will Ship in 72hrs. FREE Shipping).

6. We can add a simple interpretation of your very own business card to the back of your LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTMs. Great as a gift for your best Customers and Clients. When gifted, they can wear their new LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM with pride, 24/7/30 and have YOUR business card with them during that entire month. Great gift, great opportunity, and unique, novel and the gift of life.

(Coming Soon! Will Ship in 72Hrs. FREE Shipping).


These Countries Welcome and Encourage the use of

LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTMs

Sales Agents, Distributors, Wholesalers, Importers and Retailers

are invited from all these fine countries with flags below.

Safety and Efficacy

These esteemed organizations are currently or will shortly be registering, testing, exploring LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTMs as a medical device or unit or Molecule and optional solution to beat Virus, Bacteria and Fungi and Spore inhaled infections. (This process is ongoing as fast as humanly possible) This list will be available online as and when registrations and certifications are completed from around the World.


Each LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM carries a unique serial number, a unique tamper evident hologram, a unique RFID chip and a unique QR code. IF the device and or any part of the unit appears to have been opened and or tampered with in anyway, Do NOT USE and or deploy the Module. The vacuum seal on the active Module should be intact. When that Active Module is shaken you should hear the active granules rattle inside. If there is no sound of rattling and or the vacuum seal has been damaged, Do NOT USE and or deploy the Module.

Instructions For Personal Use.

Open the external bag. Define the use to which the LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM will be put to, either to protect an individual wearer or to protect a physical location or area. Take the Active Module and check to ensure it is intact and not damaged and that the vacuum seal had not been broken. Shake the active module to hear a rattle. If that is all good, then remove the vacuum sealed clear plastic from the active Module. Take the card and write on the front in the allocated areas the date that you broke the seals and then add 30 full calendar days and then write the expiry date. Ensure these dates are easy to read. Bend the card at the creased point to now look like a taco. Insert the Active Module in the card taco and ensure the slots at the top all align. Then insert the either the lanyard clip or the collar clip. This will ensure the unit is combined correctly and easy to view and identify. Clip the finished Unit as close to the neck at the front of the body as possible. The collar is a good place, or place the lanyard around your neck, keeping the unit at the front of the body. Please ensure that the front of the unit is facing forwards as the front of the unit has holes that need to be able to breath. You may also affix the self-adhesive safety pin on the back to locate the unit in a better location for you.

Location or Area Protection and Defense:

IF using the unit for a location or an area, then feel free to choose an additional method of fixing, like the self-adhesive tab, or the self-adhesive magnet, or the self-adhesive hook and loop fitments. Great places for the units to be located are on or near the ventilation grills on the dashboard of cars, Or attached to an air filter on an AC system in a house or office for example. In a lobby or on the front reception desk or in an elevator. Please refer to the list of uses above for ideas.

Active Module:

Do NOT open under any circumstances. There are NO serviceable parts inside. Once the Module has been activated for 30 days, please dispose of carefully, preferably by returning the unit to your authorized retailer and place int eh special bins provided. The used modules will be disassembled and recycled carefully and with minimal environmental impact.


Multiple patents have been applied for worldwide. We will protect our proprietary knowledge and technology through the courts if required. The technology is extremely complicated and includes years of research, development, testing and quality controls at every level to ensure that we deliver a quality, reliable and effective product. These units have been developed to help keep you safe and well. Please respect Our efforts and work on your behalf.

Active Module Contents:

Do NOT ingest, lick, taste, or apply to body parts and or animals. The unit is designed to be and stay safe in normal usage conditions. Please do not venture outside its designed usage. Do Not burn, Do NOT soak or let the unit get wet and or damp. Keep dry under all conditions otherwise the units lifespan will be greatly reduced or may not function at all when damp and or wet.

and Finally…

Thank you for your visit, we hope that you will try our LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM units and stay safe. No masks are required, but masks CAN help reduce inhaled or exhaled infections. Vaccines CAN help, and masks and vaccines and LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM can all be used in unison. OR if YOU choose then feel-free to use any combination for masks, vaccines or even only the LifeGuardz BioSHIELDTM. The more protection we can get you, the more choices you have, the safer you and your family and friends will be. We respect your choices. Thank you again. Please try the freedom that a LifeGiardz BioSHIELDTM delivers. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and any ideas you may have. Stay safe.

Stay Safe, Be Considerate of Others,

Respect Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Spores,

They Can and DO Kill!